The Harlequin’s Gift

“The Harlequin’s Gift” is Yuroz’ remembrance of his own days as a faceless member of that group many people collectively label “the homeless.” For the artist, these people have faces, names, histories, and futures. Captured just before sunset, when street people gather their few meager belongings and begin to look for shelter against the approaching darkness, the moment features the Harlequin, who represents the joy in laughter and Comic Relief’s own efforts assist homeless people. The adults seem to fade away, no feet on the ground, invisible to too many. To the child, the Harlequin offers a pomegranate – the luscious promise of a better tomorrow. As the pomegranate survives the harshest terrain to bring forth fruit, so must we help our fellow human beings, especially the children, in their struggles to regain their lives, their sense of purpose – and their hope.




Edition Size 275

Actual Size : 36″ x 48″


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