” Without artists, there is no gallery, no museum, and no critic. Unfortunately, the machine (galleries, critics, and museums) has become too dominating on the artist’s mind and life and this affects what they create.
An artist’s obligation is to create and support his loved ones. To me, the person is considered to be successful if he can afford to wake up in the morning and do what he loves to do. Successful or not, I wish there were more artists in the world. I don’t remember any time in the history that the world suffered because there were too many artists “
” I think one of the greatest gifts of life is the ability to see everything around us. And for me it only gets better when I can create the impression of my own realty by playing with colors, canvas, and texture. ”
” I strongly believe that everyone needs to experience creating music, creating a painting, and creating his or her own poetry at least once .”
” The creative process makes us stronger. It helps us to discover a dimension within ourselves that no one can take away from us. And that also helps us to enjoy being alive… appreciating life through these new dimensions.”
” Art is not a luxury, it is a necessity! “
” I don’t want you to think when you look at my paintings, I want you to feel, to get excited,”
” I think the painters are separated into two groups. One simply loves to create and finds pleasure in spending time doing it. The other group has no choice, they simply can’t help it, it is as necessary for them as oxygen is for others. ”
” Drawing is a skill of communication between people, the same as sign language or verbal communication. It needs to be nurtured from a very early age and encouraged during the entire lifespan of the person.”
” I think one of the greatest gifts of life is the ability to see everything around us. And for an artist it only gets better when we can create the impression of our own realty by playing with colors, canvas, brush ….”
” Unfortunately, there have always been religious fanatics,” he said. “And I don’t believe only the Muslim side is fanatical. The Christians went on crusades and wiped out countries centuries ago.” It sort of chooses you and you just go with it.”
” You don’t choose the path , it sort of chooses you and you just go with it.”
” I believe art is an incredible, beautiful religion . When I paint, it’s me and my vision of the world. You become some sort of a preacher.”